Monday, November 15, 2010


This are the missing chapters and compiled it to become "The Present".

haha..the title seems so gah but it's only me talking about the present i got in this sem (the one i still kept the pictures). The first present i taken the picture is the ole-ole¬ from my new roomate. She came to Kelantan but i forgot the 'why'. Anyway, she came back and bring us (my other roomate and i) this sampan. tenkiu =)

The second picture taken is the gift from my best friends zaty n cap! it's for my besday. tenkiu u guys. love u much ahh.. The special thing about this is it is ordered from the economic's week (i think i said the event right). It is where someone showing their love to other person by buying a present for that particular person. The motto "u buy, we deliver". The delivering date for my present is really on my birthday. Tenkiu kowg sume..cyunk kowg. And tenkiu to Amin and all his member who have been really tough searching the right person to give the presents. I know u guys did well =)

The third picture taken is the gift from my old friend. Fatah. He gave me this!!!

Tenkiu.. =) really appreciate. He also give me the chocolate cookies. A really big one. Hurmm..i wonder where he bought it. Talking about that, im pretty hungry and the smells of the soup really kicking me! Got to go now. Pye2