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1- Button mushrooms
2- Butter
3- Minced Onions and Garlic
4- Water
5- Cheese(also can simply use cheesedale)
6- Milk(also can simply use drinking milk powder such as anmum, etc)
7- Parsley
8- Minced chicken
For the use of milk powder:
- Put a 3 big spoon and mix it with water. It is a same procedure to make a drinking milk only make it more concentrated.
How To:
1- Put butter in a hot pan just as much as you think is enough to fried the minced onions and garlic.
2- After you smell the fragrance of the butter with the onions and garlic, put the minced chicken inside.
3- Then put a glass of plain water to get the 'soup'.
4- Put cheese in it. There is a different kind of cheese in the market. You might get confuse. The solution for the simple cook is just putting 4 packet of cheesedale. Or you can just taste it and put the cheesedale until you get the right of the cheese flavour.
5- To have a more creamy soup for the spaghetti sauce, put the milk with the ingredients.
6- For the final touch, add button mushrooms and also parsley to have a better looks and taste.
Good luck. It may sounds a little odd but the taste is awesome. You can't even tell the different. =D