1) Manusia yang mempunyai tahi lalat lebih banyak dipercayai hidup lebih lama berbanding manusia yang kurang tahi lalat. (wuahahhaha.. kelakar! datuk saripah aini hidup lama la ek??)
2) Manusia yang pertama dijangkiti HIV ialah pada tahun 1930an.
3) Wanita mengelipkan mata dua kali lebih berbanding lelaki.
4) Manusia yang bijak dan intelligent mempunyai lebih molekul zink dan kuprum di dalam rambut mereka. (pergh.. sape yang rajin gi wat kajian ini??)
5) Otot yang paling kuat pada seorang manusia ialah lidahnya. (hurmm.. betol la kata pepatah lidah lebih tajam dari pedang eh?)
6) Tubuh kita menghasilkan dan membunuh 15 million sel darah merah dalam sesaat!
7) Secara purata, manusia menghasilkan 10,000 gallon air liur sepanjang hayatnya.
8) Ada seorang bayi lahir dalam setiap 7 saat. (wahhh!)
9) Anda akan dapat mengesan seekor skunk (yg bau busuk tu) dengan hanya menghidu 0.000000000000071 ounce dari bau nya. (betapa sensitif nya hidung kita...)
10) Kita bernafas lebih kurang 10 million kali setahun.
11) Semakin sejuk suhu bilik tidur anda, lebih tinggi kebarangkalian anda untuk mendapat mimpi ngeri/ buruk.
12) Cuba teka dalam 5 jari kita.. yang mana kukunya lebih cepat panjang/tumbuh? Jawapannya jari hantu / tengah. :)
13) Jari yang paling sensitif ialah jari telunjuk.
14) Nisbah berat otak dan berat badan manusia ialah 1/40 kilogram.
15) Selepas makan terlalu banyak, pendengaran anda akan kurang daripada normal. (hehehe.. cam tak logik je kaitan makan ngan telinga..)
16) Rambut wanita mempunyai diameter 1/2 dari diameter rambut lelaki. (adoii.. sape la yang pegi kira semua nih???)
17) Tulang yang paling kuat pada tubuh seorang manusia ialah tulang dagunya.
18) Ilmuwan mengatakan semakin tinggi IQ manusia, semakin banyak ia bermimpi.(lagi2 ms nk wat programming..ades)
19) Jika anda melihat seseorang yang anda cintai, pupil mata anda akan membesar, dan pupil anda juga membesar jika anda melihat seseorang yang anda benci.
20) Panas tubuh manusia selama 30 menit cukup untuk membuat setengah galon air (1, 9 liter) menjadi mendidih.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
The definition of couple here is when the two people like each other and agree to have a serious relationship aiming for the till-end relationship.
But how does the aiming really hits the target??
And do the couple really sincere in the relationship??
The percentage of the couple will last long till the end of their lives, nowdays are really really small. There are many reasons to argue about.
There are also many purpose of couple to occur. It could be finding a mate, or perhaps it just for an experience,fun and enjoyment or even worst, for the showed off. Only the person itself knows which purpose he/she stands with.
This relationship is really like a fairy-tale bedtime story in the beginning and it could be a worst nightmare ever at the very end of the relationship. Still the phenomena of coupling still going to be the hits of a lifetime. Why? I mean why do we need to couple or to be declare we are 'two' now?? Is that a prominent need??

There is still a question not yet been answer or never have been in our thought. Almost all of us have the experienced, whether it ends up with a sad story or maybe you not even have the experienced of break up. Well, that's a good start. The break up, the spelling itself show how broken is the person's heart like breaking glass into pieces or even worst. Still there is never be a term of not going to have a serious relationship anymore. Everyone will and will be have those experienced. Don't you see how stubborn we are?? Who said so?? The living are created to have their own soul-mate. There is a male for a female, there is male and female for the animal and even for the tree itself have the sperm and ovum for them to continue their generations.
Why we still wanted to be 'two' even the previous experienced have thought us how crazy the couple's world is?? Why can't we just said we like each other and hoping the feeling will last forever till the right time we get married and still keeping the loves?? Wasn't that seems to be more wonderful??
If you noticed, there is an evolution happen in the coupling situation. The old time, the 80's-90's the male and female still shy to see each other and apparently the have high manners. Then the male and female started to declare as a couple and yes the did have some dates together. Behave??ermm..a little low for some people. Now, most of us tend to share the feeling to each other but do not want to declare. Why and how does this happen?? As the Earth keep rotate at the place, the revolution did take some place too. But how to explain??
It could be the experienced have taught them to be that way and maybe it could be some experienced need to follow!! Wahh!! Suddenly im thinking of getting
married at the early age. What will it pay for my need??
But how does the aiming really hits the target??
And do the couple really sincere in the relationship??
The percentage of the couple will last long till the end of their lives, nowdays are really really small. There are many reasons to argue about.
There are also many purpose of couple to occur. It could be finding a mate, or perhaps it just for an experience,fun and enjoyment or even worst, for the showed off. Only the person itself knows which purpose he/she stands with.
This relationship is really like a fairy-tale bedtime story in the beginning and it could be a worst nightmare ever at the very end of the relationship. Still the phenomena of coupling still going to be the hits of a lifetime. Why? I mean why do we need to couple or to be declare we are 'two' now?? Is that a prominent need??

There is still a question not yet been answer or never have been in our thought. Almost all of us have the experienced, whether it ends up with a sad story or maybe you not even have the experienced of break up. Well, that's a good start. The break up, the spelling itself show how broken is the person's heart like breaking glass into pieces or even worst. Still there is never be a term of not going to have a serious relationship anymore. Everyone will and will be have those experienced. Don't you see how stubborn we are?? Who said so?? The living are created to have their own soul-mate. There is a male for a female, there is male and female for the animal and even for the tree itself have the sperm and ovum for them to continue their generations.
Why we still wanted to be 'two' even the previous experienced have thought us how crazy the couple's world is?? Why can't we just said we like each other and hoping the feeling will last forever till the right time we get married and still keeping the loves?? Wasn't that seems to be more wonderful??
If you noticed, there is an evolution happen in the coupling situation. The old time, the 80's-90's the male and female still shy to see each other and apparently the have high manners. Then the male and female started to declare as a couple and yes the did have some dates together. Behave??ermm..a little low for some people. Now, most of us tend to share the feeling to each other but do not want to declare. Why and how does this happen?? As the Earth keep rotate at the place, the revolution did take some place too. But how to explain??
It could be the experienced have taught them to be that way and maybe it could be some experienced need to follow!! Wahh!! Suddenly im thinking of getting
married at the early age. What will it pay for my need??
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
there's a thing i discovered about the people named man.
this is about their love story of how they choose the soulmate of his.
1)whenever a girl show some interest of him such taking care of his dressup,his performance his whatever on him or his behaviour even it doesnt mean anything, well IT DOES MEAN A THING for him.
2)whenever a girl show her sweetness of her laughter and make a real good conversation between him, it sure does turn him on a little bit.
3)whenever a girl asking for help more to asking for the sympathy, they will easily taking care of her beyond his awareness.
4)whenever a girl try to understand or be a good listener of him, he definitely have this tiny thought making the girl his..someday..
5)whenever a girl give a positive answer(s) to all the question he gave, u are definitely have a bright future to become his most precious.
-question refers to the hearts matter

so..as the conclusion, if u are trying making friends with him just as friend friend, be clear to everything u said n u do.
male : bleyh x sy nk kawan dgn awk??(he interested in u a lil bit)
female : kwn je??bleyh..no hal la..(u gv him a green light)
male : nape awk xkapel lg??(trying to get into seyes subject)
female : sbb sy x besedia lg.(u did again give him a green light *sigh)
(u making him waiting for u)
male : beleyh x sy nk kawan dgn awk??
female : xperlu asenyer. xpenting pn.(finally u gv him right answer-harsh but true)
male : nape awk xkapel lg?
female : sbb sy mmg xsuke.
dun worry giving them a pretty harsh answer rather than he adores u and the next day become his enemy
as u not choosing him.
be urself dun try be others. the person named man will always respect u named female that always said
the truth that u dont give a false hope. it may sound a little harsh in the way u responsed but that is the way.
this is about their love story of how they choose the soulmate of his.
1)whenever a girl show some interest of him such taking care of his dressup,his performance his whatever on him or his behaviour even it doesnt mean anything, well IT DOES MEAN A THING for him.
2)whenever a girl show her sweetness of her laughter and make a real good conversation between him, it sure does turn him on a little bit.
3)whenever a girl asking for help more to asking for the sympathy, they will easily taking care of her beyond his awareness.
4)whenever a girl try to understand or be a good listener of him, he definitely have this tiny thought making the girl his..someday..
5)whenever a girl give a positive answer(s) to all the question he gave, u are definitely have a bright future to become his most precious.
-question refers to the hearts matter

so..as the conclusion, if u are trying making friends with him just as friend friend, be clear to everything u said n u do.
male : bleyh x sy nk kawan dgn awk??(he interested in u a lil bit)
female : kwn je??bleyh..no hal la..(u gv him a green light)
male : nape awk xkapel lg??(trying to get into seyes subject)
female : sbb sy x besedia lg.(u did again give him a green light *sigh)
(u making him waiting for u)
male : beleyh x sy nk kawan dgn awk??
female : xperlu asenyer. xpenting pn.(finally u gv him right answer-harsh but true)
male : nape awk xkapel lg?
female : sbb sy mmg xsuke.
dun worry giving them a pretty harsh answer rather than he adores u and the next day become his enemy
as u not choosing him.
be urself dun try be others. the person named man will always respect u named female that always said
the truth that u dont give a false hope. it may sound a little harsh in the way u responsed but that is the way.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Monday, August 9, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
dear diary..
this blog seems to be my second diary of mine..hurm..I MISH U!!I SAYANG U!!hee~
**wats that??lost!!
end edy dillema. here we come the day. let me stay to be..till the end &hearts

im in dillema of choosing a right guy for me..WAS!!but then im finally saw wats the best and i noe..it is him =)) i have this crazy thoughts of hurting him in the future..IF!!yeah..im not that a gud girl..WAS!!but trying to be gud as possible but still..thats only a matter of heart..not my attire n my behaviour..oraite..
the gudness of him makes me fell in lub wif him more n more..gosh!!cant believe i post it here..but to excited to share..hehe..
**wats that??lost!!

im in dillema of choosing a right guy for me..WAS!!but then im finally saw wats the best and i noe..it is him =)) i have this crazy thoughts of hurting him in the future..IF!!yeah..im not that a gud girl..WAS!!but trying to be gud as possible but still..thats only a matter of heart..not my attire n my behaviour..oraite..
the gudness of him makes me fell in lub wif him more n more..gosh!!cant believe i post it here..but to excited to share..hehe..
Sunday, August 1, 2010
juz wan 2 shout!!
he's da one i really want after i noe him. he's da one im aiming for after i noe him yet, he still da one i let it go after i noe him!! the truth revealed. actually we want each other but not sure wat happen suddenly that dream is keep hidden.

I sayang kan u..deeply!(u can asked my rumate too) but it seems im da one syok sdr. im afraid. i noe u were just like me..my old times. but it was too late too noticed that. im sorry..please forgive me...
p/s: hopefully u really meant that.

I sayang kan u..deeply!(u can asked my rumate too) but it seems im da one syok sdr. im afraid. i noe u were just like me..my old times. but it was too late too noticed that. im sorry..please forgive me...
p/s: hopefully u really meant that.
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